The Specs

160,000 tons of new production capacity in seamless pipes


Forecasted annual revenue of over $2 billion by 2029


560 new direct jobs to be created in Michigan


Contributing to national defense, energy independence & prosperity


Over $30 million in annual payroll


Start of production targeted for 2026

New US Capacity

Nobilis Pipe will begin production in 2026 rated at 27,500 metric tons of new annual capacity for seamless pipes.

Serving Critical Industries

The seamless pipes in stainless steel, nickel alloys and titanium serve a variety of industries crucial to national defense, energy independence and prosperity.

New Job Creation

Nobilis Pipe is forecasted to create 560 new direct jobs of which well over half are skilled labor and will have well over $30 million in annual payroll once production is ramped up.

Direct Contribution to US GDP

With annual revenue forecasted to build up to over $2 billion within four years after production commences, Nobilis Pipe will make a significant contribution to the US GDP , helping make America more competitive in the global marketplace, and protecting national interests.

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